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Ana Undurraga - Watercolorist

Burgos (1959) Spain

Degree in Biological Sciences from the University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU

Member of the Association of Basque Watercolorists
Member of the Biscayan Artistic Association

Member of the art group Antzezaleak

Nature lover as an infinite universe of inspiration. An inner need to transmit emotions, to express oneself through different plastic media. Nonconformist and in constant movement.



I remember my childhood drawing everything and everywhere, but it was in the 90s when I started to paint more seriously and did my first exhibitions. In those years I dedicated myself more intensely to the oil technique, and it has been later when I have focused more on watercolor, engraving and mixed techniques. Due to my natural non-conformity, I have made some forays into the world of ceramics, engraving, monotype. I have received training from many and varied artists, attending courses, meetings, master classes, classes at the Basque Association of Watercolorists and engraving workshops.


For me painting is a vital necessity. I like to understand the creative process, the reason that drives an author to create, the reason for the work. I ask myself many questions in this regard and I am constantly on the move. It is a nonconformity that drives me to move forward and explore new ways.  In watercolor I try to find new ways of expression on paper or on other supports, mixing techniques that do not have to follow the stereotype of pure technique, such as the execution of artist's books or watercolors with printing techniques and vice versa. In summary, I try to express something that I have inside in the way of emotion, feeling and generally with nature themes, which I am passionate about.



2022    Kultur LEIOA. Leioa. Bizkaia

2019    Galería Hotel Hesperia Zubialde. Bilbao

2018    EXPODISTRITOS 2018. Bilbao

2017    Alguer bar. Getxo. Bizkaia

2017    AUA Bilbao Gallery. Bilbao

2016    Fundación Caja Burgos. Villarcayo. Burgos

2015    Barria Arte. Getxo. Bizkaia

2015    La Estación de Neguri. Getxo

2006    Jacarandá. Restaurante. Bilbao

2003    Abando’ko Batzokia. Bilbao

2002    Cafetería Plaza. Cruces. Barakaldo. Bizkaia

2002    Aula de Cultura de San Bartolomé. Leioa. Bizkaia

1995    Pinueta Kultur Aretoa. Leioa. Bizkaia

1994    Aeropuerto de Bilbao. Sondika. Bizkaia

1993    Aula de Cultura de San Bartolomé. Leioa. Bizkaia




He has participated in more than 80 national and international collective exhibitions




Finalist. 42 Mini print Internacional de Cadaqués.

Spanish representation in FABRIANO in Acquarello 2022. Bologna. ITALIA

Selected VI Bienal Internacional nuevas técnicas en acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete

Selected V MINI PRINT Internacional Cantabria. SANTANDER

Selected VII Libro de Artista. Ciudad de Móstoles. MOSTOLES. Madrid



DIPLOMA Finalista XXX Certamen ADOUR-BIDASOA. Irún. Guipúzcoa

Selected CASTRA 2021. 4 bienal internacional. Eslovenia

Selected XXIV Certamen FRIDA KAHLO. Rivas. Madrid

Selected 41 MINI PRINT CADAQUES. Cadaqués. Girona

Selected MEDITERRANEUM ARS LIBER. Museo del Mar. Santa Pola. Alicante

Selected IV MINI PRINT Internacional Cantabria. SANTANDER

Selected XVI Certamen Nacional de Acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete

Selected CN dibujo y acuarela FELIPE ORLANDO.BENALMADENA. Málaga

Selected VI Libro de Artista. Ciudad de Móstoles. MOSTOLES. Madrid



2º PRIZE Certamen Acuarela desde el Confinamiento.  AVA. Bilbao

DIPLOMA Mini Castra 2020. Small format Watercolor. Eslovenia



Selected Premi CANYELLES de Pintura. Canyelles. Barcelona

Selected IV Salón Primavera pintura realista. Madrid

Selected V Bienal Intern. nuevas técnicas en acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete


Selected CASTRA 2019. 3 bienal internacional. Eslovenia

Selected V libro Artista Ciudad de Móstoles. MOSTOLES. Madrid

Selected XI Concurso internacional de acuarela. GABRIEL PUIG RODA. Vinaros. Castellón



Selected Mini Castra 2018. Small format. Watercolor. Eslovenia

Selected IV Libro de Artista. Ciudad de Móstoles. MOSTOLES. Madrid



3º PRIZE Concurso Ex - ponte al vacío de Winsor & Newton. MADRID

Spanish representation. Catalogue.  FABRIANO in Acquarello 2017. ITALIA

Selected small format AEPE. Madrid

Selected I Biennal IWS. QUITO. Ecuador

Selected I Festival Internacional IWS PORTUGAL.

Selected II TIRANA IWS Biennale. Albania

Selected III Certamen acuarela pequeño formato. Alda con Limón. Madrid

Selected XVII Certamen acuarela “Ciudad de BENALMADENA” Málaga

Selected IV Bienal Internación nuevas técnicas en acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete

Selected III Libro de Artista. Ciudad de Móstoles.MOSTOLES. Madrid



Representation AVA en la 19 ECWS. AVIGNON. Francia

Selected Mini CASTRA 2016. Small format Watercolor. Eslovenia

Selected I Festival Internacional de Acuarela IWS ESPAÑA. Úbeda. Jaén

Selected I IWS biennale 2016.  TAILANDIA



PRIZE TIP95.  Biennial internacional acuarela CASTRA 2015. Eslovenia

Spanish representation FABRIANO in Acquarello 2015. ITALIA

Representation AVA en 5ª Trienal Internacional de Acuarela Santa Marta. COLOMBIA

Selected I Certamen acuarela pequeño formato. Alda con Limón. Madrid

Selected XV Certamen acuarela “Ciudad de BENALMADENA” Málaga



MEDAL of Honor AEPE. III bienal Internacional nuevas técnicas en acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete

Selected 1st Watercolour Garzapapel International Contest. ALCOY. Alicante



PreSelected FIGURATIVAS 13 del MEAM (Museo Europeo Arte Moderno). BARCELONA

Selected XIII Certamen acuarela “Ciudad de BENALMADENA”  Málaga

Selected VIII  Certamen N de minicuadros Muz Martínez. S. Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante



1º PRIZE XII Concurso de pintura “Villa de Durango”. DURANGO. Bizkaia

Selected XII Certamen acuarela “Ciudad de BENALMADENA”. Málaga

Selected II Bienal Internacional nuevas técnicas en acuarela. CAUDETE. Albacete

Selected VII  Certamen N de minicuadros Muz Martínez. S. Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante



Special MENTION XXIII pintura al aire libre de PORTUGALETE. Bizkaia

Selected VI  CN de minicuadros Muz Martínez. S.Vicente del Raspeig. Alicante

Selected  III C. Internacional de acuarela. GABRIEL PUIG RODA. Vinaros. Castellón



Selected III Concurso Nacional de Pintura y Parques Obarenes. FRIAS. Burgos



Selected XII Certamen PINTOR SOROLLA. Elda. Alicante

Selected XIII Concurso Nacional de Pintura. FRIAS. Burgos



Selected XI Concurso Nacional Villa de LERMA.  Burgos



Selected XII Concurso Nacional de Pintura. FRIAS. Burgos

Selected II Certamen de pintura ACOR. VALLADOLID

Selected XI CN de Pintura. FRIAS. Burgos

Selected IV CN MIRANDA DE EBRO. Burgos

Selected II Concurso P. Rápida ARANDA DE DUERO. Burgos


1993 - 2000       

1º PRIZE tarjetas postales navidad 98. AAV

MENTION V tarjetas postales navidad 94 AAV

Selected premio Valentí 93. Barcelona

Selected IX CN de Pintura. FRIAS. Burgos

Selected 50 pintores aniversario AAV. Bilbao

Selected Diseño año 0. Haro. La Rioja


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